Acupuncture and Pregnancy

acupuncture and pregnancy
For more information on acupuncture and pregnancy visit my pregnancy page

Following on from my last blog post I am now going to look at acupuncture and pregnancy in the 2nd Trimester- that is from 12-28 weeks This is often called the golden phase of pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage has diminished, as does the nausea. Plus you should have more energy. It is also during this phase that you will first feel the baby move about inside. Your “bump” will begin to develop considerably during these weeks. However, you should not be so big as to be uncomfortable. This trimester also contains 2 important scans, at about 12 and 20 weeks. These are to check that the baby is ok and developing correctly.
During these weeks my well mother, well baby treatments provide a period of rest and relaxation for you, in preparation for the 3rd trimester and birth itself.

It is during the second part of this trimester that the baby really begins to grow in size. As you gain in weight you may start to suffer from back pain. However be aware that back pain can also be caused by other issues, so do get it checked out by your doctor or midwife. Another issue which may start in the 2nd trimester is heartburn, caused by your body making more progesterone. Eating smaller meals throughout the day can be helpful. Also avoid greasy, spicy and acidic foods.

Acupuncture and Pregnancy

  • my well mother well baby treatments
  • help with back pain
  • help with heartburn