Great you are pregnant – what next?
Pregnancy can be divided into 3 distinct sections or trimesters. Each trimester has its own distinct features so in this blog post I am going to concentrate on the first trimester which is from weeks 1-12. This trimester is obviously key for establishing a pregnancy. During this trimester you may experience nausea and vomiting. You may also feel extra tired. Anxiety and stress may also play a part. It is therfore important that you take care of yourself during this critical phase Therefore I am going to show how pregnancy and acupuncture can go hand in hand.
- embryo implants
- placenta grows
- pregnancy establishes
- baby begins to develop
Pregnancy and Acupuncture
- helps with implantation
- aids placenta growth
- improves blood flow to the womb
- helps reduce nausea and vomiting
- combates anxiety and stress