Want to boost your immunity naturally ?
Feeling tired and run down?
Finding it difficult to shake off coughs and colds?
Want to boost your immunity naturally?
Having myself succumbed to a winter virus over Christmas I thought now would be a very good time to focus if you want to boost your immunity naturally.
This month I have commissioned a guest blog from good friend and nutritionalal therapist Lisa Beard to talk about how what we eat can impact on our immune system.
Want to boost your immunity naturally?
- Amending your diet with small changes to support your immune system may be worthwhile for your overall health & wellbeing. It can help if you want to boost your immunity naturally.
- Until you feel better, it is a good idea to try to steer clear of refined sugars and limit dairy produce. These have been shown to lower immunity and increase mucous production.
- Why not try alternatives such as xylitol instead of sugar, and almond/oat milks instead of cows milk.
- Increase your consumption of vegetables. Focus on greens. Eat a rainbow coloured variety.
- Try to vary fibre sources, limit gluten grains. Have lighter grains such as quinoa, gluten free oats and rice.
- Vary high biological value sources of protein, such as lean meat, lentils, fish and eggs.
- Include sources of good omega-fats such as oily fish, salmon, sardines, mackerel, or plant sources such as linseed/flaxseed or chia.
- If you need further support then you may need individual help for an initial consultation to determine which supplements you may benefit from, such as Bee health immune support, probiotics or specific nutrient deficiencies.
Contact me at nutritionlisabeard@gmail.com with any questions
Thank you Lisa for this helpful information.